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Op. Dr. Özgen Kıvanç

In this section where you can find answers to your questions about plastic surgery, we have answered some common questions to provide you with a better understanding and preparation. Cosmetic surgery can be a popular option to improve your appearance and boost your self-confidence, but it's important to understand the process properly and make informed decisions.

What is the most suitable candidate for plastic surgery?

The most suitable candidates for plastic surgery are generally people who are in good general health and have realistic expectations for the results of surgery. However, every patient is different, so it is important to seek the opinion of a plastic surgeon to assess your suitability for surgery.

What kind of preparations should I make before and after the surgery?

Prior to surgery, you may need to undergo medical tests and examinations as recommended by your surgeon. It is also important to regulate your lifestyle, limit smoking and alcohol consumption, and take your medications regularly to facilitate the post-operative recovery process. Following post-operative care instructions can also positively affect your recovery process.

What kind of results should I expect after surgery and how long will it take for me to fully recover?

Aesthetic surgery results may vary from person to person and recovery time may vary depending on the type of surgery. Your surgeon will clearly explain your post-operative expectations. Swelling and bruising usually subside within a few weeks and the results become more noticeable over time. Full recovery time may vary depending on the type of surgery and the person's body structure.

What are the risks of plastic surgery and how can they be minimized?

Although plastic surgery is generally safe, there are risks, as with any medical intervention. These risks may include infection, bleeding, wound healing problems, or undesirable consequences. To minimize risks, it is important to consult a specialist, not to smoke, follow your surgeon's instructions, and clearly express your health status before surgery. Your plastic surgeon will explain to you in detail the risks of the surgery and how you can minimize them.

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